Monday, March 10, 2008

my kitchen

my wall display in my room
my bathroom

weirdest snow day in texas outside my apartment

My upside down christmas tree

Growing up

Well, its been a long time since I posted because of the move to my new apartment and lack of internet for several months. A lot goes on in a few months, so bit by bit Ill catch up on whats happened. First, thing is my apartment across from the TWU campus which is one of the best things that ever happened in my life. I love having my own place, learning to be responsible and how to deal with roomates and bills. I have gone through 2 roomates now. But I also introduced my ex-roomate to an employee I worked with and they are currently engaged. I am so happy for them. Christmas was interesting, busy of course in the retail world of hobby lobby. New years slowed down a bit and by valentines it started to pick up on sales. I stayed very busy working up to 65 hour weeks at the end of last year. I now am hoping for a better paying job.