Monday, October 8, 2007


Today was munday!
I worked 13 hours but enjoyed it a lot.
There's a new girl at work who I like
She is tall and skinny
She likes dance music too.
And she is chipper.
So at least I have a new friend again.
Today at work,
I was hanging bags on the pegboard and fell right into a lower metal peg
It cut me in the head.
oh well, I'm okay.
And I found out that my friend Sarah who relapsed,
somehow ended up in Irving, not to her knowledge,
even though she was driving.
Then landed in jail the same night she left
One night of partying and totals her car,
gets a DWI
lands in jail for 5 days
and more miserable than she was.
She talked to me on the phone.
She is with her parents and hopes to come back to solutions on Friday.
I am so glad she is alive.
I've worried about her every day she has been gone.
I have to be at work at 8am so seeya!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Good, Bad, and the crack house

Well today is a new day and a day off!
feels good.
my roomate JD returned last night from Nacadoches.
Bought me a present
Glad he's back to keep me sane.
There is only 3 people in our house now.
Bill, who was in our house relapsed and now is dead.
He got in a car wreck while he was drunk.
this is a horrible disease, and it shows.
Also, my good friend Sarah at the women's house relapsed.
I was hurt by her pretty deep.
She up and quit her job and went to Dallas
wanting no help and no direction.
I miss her and hope her well.
But I thought she knew better.
Cindy, Becky, and I work together and have fun.
We had a corporate visit from Hobby Lobby and My department
was highly praised for the overall look and compliance to company relays and organization.
I feel like I work where I'm ment to be.
I love my job so much.
I work every day and sometimes get a sunday off.
I get overtime like crazy because I'm appreciated so much.
And, about the townhouse.
It is currently being put off not by my choice.
But, My sponsor recomends I wait until I am well set in helping others before I move.
I was upset at him the night he told me, but I understand now that My impulsivity is not always the best answer.
I am going to stay at the halfway house for probably 2-3 more months for now and be able to plan better and get all the help I can from the owners of Solutions of north Texas.
They can help me with programs who finance first month rent and deposit as well as donations of furniture and such.
I feel this is right to stay and plan better.
I am no longer bitter about it.
By the way, I want to only use my new e-mail address, so if you need it let me know

Monday, October 1, 2007


Hello again
it's been a while since I last blogged.
So here's the update.
I now have 31/2 months sober.
I am excited about a lot of positive news in my life.
I was promoted at work to full time with benefits.
I now work around 60 hours a week
which is good to keep me occupied
also, JD and I were approved for a townhouse in north Denton
we hope to move in on the 11th of October.
I am so excited to have a place finally under my name.
A lot has been going right lately and I feel more positive now.
There has been a sinking depression though.
Although I am dealing with it pretty well.
I met a girl named Jessica at work a month ago.
her and I quickly became good friends and hung out a lot
it was good to have such a close friend again
but a few days ago, she up and left to go to Austin with her abusive boyfriend
she is planning on marriage
She told me she was comming back
but told JD that she is not and told him to not tell me.
he did and I cried.
My friend, Sarah in the program at the Women's house
was originally my best friend and we were going to live together.
but she wanted to stay at the House.
She left today to live in Kurville
I am beginning to lose my friends again
I can't get ahold of Melissa or Stephanie
The only one who is staying is my roommate.
I hope to create new friends soon and know I have the ability
but, it becomes harder when they all decide to leave me
I always fear abandonement.
I continually get scolded in the office about rent and why I'm leaving here
but, I told them this morning I had no time to deal with that
I know it's time to move on from here and I have very little fear of relapse
I work my program of recovery as best I can
I love my job and even helped a new woman get a job there
She loves it and is a hard worker.
It felt good to help someone out.
her sister and her are both hairdressers and they are going to give me a free haircut for helping her get a job.
people in the program are so good to me when I help them, well mostly the women, but I have hope for a good future.
If I can, Mom and Dad will be paid off soon enough.
My resentments will be dealt with and I will be continually helping others.
hoping to write and post more often.